

The Fine Wine Source, run by a local sommelier, specialises in distinct, hand-picked wine selections from all over the world. FWS also has a monthly wine club that offers its members certain perks, such as two hand-selected wines per month, one domestic selection and one international selection.


Currently, the wine club memberships account for only a small portion of overall revenue. While it is not the main purpose of the business, the owners think the revenue stream from this offering could be improved through visibility and a more robust pricing structure:

The overall goals are as follows:
  • Improve visibility of the wine club to drive awareness and interest
  • Determine a set pricing struture to prevent monthly attrition rates



FWS already had an established web presence, but no current web team to complete this project. The site design was already in place, and the site development was completed through Wordpress, using several built-in templates. Therefore, the scope was limited to the new Wine Club section flow, user experience, and new graphic elements


  • Determine the flow of the wine club experience
  • Create a dedicated signup experience for the wine club that involves:
    • A membership overview
    • A dedicated signup form outlining each membership tier (This form passes user input into a third-party payment system)
    • A section dedicated to browsing past wine club offerings that can be filtered by year, and further by month
    • A detailed, visually appealing profile for each wine featured in the wine club
    • Highlights for the current month's featured selections


user flow


The following images highlight portions of the final mockup.